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We are celebrating 5 years of HGV South Tyrol partnership. Interview with Klaus Schmidt.
Interim results for summer 2024: Stable booking forecasts in South Tyrol and Bavaria, stagnation in Tyrol.
Summer season 2024: What are the booking forecasts? Positive signals from South Tyrol & Bavaria, while Tyrol faces challenges.
How to successfully face challenges in the hotel industry? Anna Heuer (HSMA Germany) provides an exciting insight.
We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Kai-Markus Müller as the new Chief of Behavioral Strategy at RateBoard.
How can you use price psychology to increase profits and hotel guest satisfaction?
Hoteliers and marketing executives in the hotel industry are faced with a multitude of challenges, including budgeting, marketing decisions,...
There are various sales strategies you can employ to market and sell your hotel rooms.
For seasonal accommodation providers, the focus is primarily on sales strategies, measures to ensure high-quality service and recruitment of trained staff.
By managing restrictions, one has the ability to set controls over which bookings are accepted on specific dates or rate types.
Before working with RateBoard, the Hotel Seehörnle worked with a fixed price system. In times of high demand, the price potential could not be fully used.
With the right Revenue Management System the hotel was able to react well to the changing demand situation even in times of crisis.
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