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The aim of the study was to find out how the consequences of the crisis and new time resources affected family and in which areas innovations took place.
City-Hotel Bremerhaven has trusted RateBoard with revenue management, which steered hotelier Michèl Schulz through the pandemic and increased its revenue.
The well-known hotel cooperation Romantik Hotels & Restaurants now uses the revenue management system from the Innsbruck-based company RateBoard.
The impact of political and economic developments on tourism is immense. This article summarizes insights and recommendations analyzed by experts.
How have occupancy and turnover in Austrian hotels developed since the beginning of the pandemic and amidst the economic uncertainty compared to before?
In order to build a good employer brand, important steps are required, both in employee organization and in communication inside and outside the company.
A conversation with Michaela Seyrling, MSc about the cooperation with revenue management system market leader RateBoard.
Top experts from the world of finance and from the tourism industry report on the topic of inflation and are giving valuable tips for hoteliers.
The trend of Outdoor hospitality is booming. Human Company, the Italian market leader in Open-Air-Tourism talks with us about the secrets of their concept.
We asked Nicola Seghi from Simple Booking five tough questions to find out why booking engines and channel managers are so important at the moment.
The study of RateBoard delivers stunning results: In summer 2020, RateBoard customers performed around 10 percentage better than hotels without an RMS.
The leading tourism experts talk about their challenges in the Corona Year 2020. The most important statements are summarised for you in this article!
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