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Markus Pichler, of the hotel "Ganischgerhof", tells RateBoard his opinion on online sales and dynamic pricing.
CEO Simon Falkensteiner proudly reports on the next generation of the RateBoard revenue management software. Even simpler user experience guaranteed.
RateBoard ist stolz drauf, den Cluster Award 2016 von der Standortagentur Tirol im Rahmen des Tiroler Innovationstags in Igls entgegennehmen zu dürfen.
Dynamic prices are no longer new territory in the holiday hotel industry.
At the 40th edition of the hotel fair in Bolzano, RateBoard was able to assert itself against the big competition and secure the coveted startup award.
On the business conference HGJ & EURAC in Bolzano CEO Simon Falkensteiner shared his insights in RateBoard's revenue management software.
In den Seminaren und Workshops von RateBoard lernen die Teilnehmer alles über Revenue Management und dynamische Preisanpassungen in der Ferienhotellerie.
Berthold Agreiter, Simon Falkensteiner and Matthias Trenkwalder answer the most important questions about revenue management with RateBoard.
Simon Falkensteiner, Berthold Argreiter and Matthias Trenkwalder answer questions about revenue management and RateBoard.
Revenue management is known in the city and chain hotel industry. With RateBoard, individual hotels also have the opportunity to optimize prices.
Matthias Trenkwalder, a founder of RateBoard, speaks about about the development of the Revenue Management Software in an interview with "Tourismuszukunft".
Yield Management can now be found everywhere. But is yield management price dumping or not? We can find the answer the question in this article.
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